Participation: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
Dr. Sébastien Plutniak has been trained as a field archaeologist and a ceramologist at the TRACES laboratory (Toulouse, France). He got a master of archaeology and a PhD. of sociology at the EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences). He is in charge of the pottery analysis, takes part to the excavations and manage the project webpage.
Sébastien Plutniak a été formé comme archéologue de terrain et céramologue au laboratoire d’archéologie TRACES (Toulouse, France). Il il a obtenu un master d’archéologie puis un doctorat de sociologie à l’EHESS. Au sein du projet MAFBO, il assure l’étude des matériaux céramiques, participe aux opérations de fouille et administre la page web du projet.
[Personal page, ORCID, publications in open access]
Related publications
- Plutniak, S., A Araujo, A. Oktaviana, B. Sugiyanto, J.-M. Chazine, F.-X. Ricaut. 2022. “Mainland-coastal Interactions in East Borneo: Inter-site Comparison and Bayesian Chronological Models of two Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sequences (Liang Abu and Kimanis rock shelters)”, The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, doi: 10.1080/15564894.2022.2108947.
- Plutniak S., A. Astolfo, S. Puaud, J.-G. Ferrié, A.A. Oktaviana, B. Sugiyanto, J.-M. Chazine, F.-X. Ricaut. 2016.“Borneo as a half empty pot : pottery assemblage from Liang Abu, East Kalimantan”. Quaternary International. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.080.
- Plutniak, S., A. A. Oktaviana, B. Sugiyanto, J.-M. Chazine, F.-X. Ricaut. 2014, “New Ceramic Data from East Kalimantan: The cord-marked and red-slipped sherds of Liang Abu’s layer 2 and Kalimantan’s pottery chronology”, Journal of Pacific Archaeology, vol. 5, no 1, p. 90–99.
- Plutniak, S., A. A. Oktaviana, J.-G. Ferrié, B. Sugiyanto, J. Sarels, A. Guerreiro, R. Fauzi, M. Grenet, T. Simanjuntak, F.-X. Ricaut 2014. “Human Occupation of the Mangkalihat Karstic Area: Rock Art and Settlement History in East Kalimantan”, Borneo Research Bulletin, 45, p. 320–322.
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